This homeowner’s place was lacking in a lot of areas, and she was itching for improvements. Her kitchen suffered from almost no usable counter space and had a closet that was in the corner of the room surrounded by cabinets which made it very inaccessible. So we simply flipped it around so that it opened to the living room (and gave her a new coat closet!) This one change allowed us to change the entire layout of the kitchen and give her so much more counter and cabinet space. In the bathroom she was not a fan of the old tub and wanted a walk in shower with a single pane of glass as her enclosure. So she didn’t have to enter the shower and get sprayed with cold water when she turned it on, we suggested she put her controls on the opposite, open wall to make entering her shower always warm and inviting. We worked with her images of inspiration to guide her through selections of tile, cabinetry and plumbing fixtures. We offered advice on hardware selection and lighting. We also acted as the general contractor and you can find this project on our home renovation page. (South Prescott, Oakland)

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